Monday, July 20, 2009

Been A While

Well I haven't posted anything lately - I've been tooooo busy!

On the 27th of June, we went to hubby's 15th Class Reunion. We had a good time - minus one girl...Ugh! I have NEVER been so angry! Some girl kept whispering dirty things in his ear. I wanted to hit her (and I don't hit people! lol). I wasn't mad at him - he handled it well. He kept walking away from her and avoiding her. I was soo irritated with her though. Some people...


Fourth of July came and went. We spent it at the mountain with hubby's family. His cousin from NJ came in with her baby. Ben is about 3 weeks older than Cayden. We had a nice day.

David had his left hand operated on on July 10th for carpal tunnel. He is stillhaving a lot of pain. And tomorrow he is having his right hand done. Oh my!

Cayden is starting to walk. He has taken several steps now. It's sooooo cute!

My best friend also found out she is pregnant. Due in February. I am very excited for her. But it made me realize how very badly I'm ready for #2...